I'm Mustafa

Wanna talk?


I am Mustafa

Pursuing Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science.
I'm not the best at school or academics, but I am a person who loves to talk about tech, you can also call me a tech evangelist. Also I enjoy hanging out with like minded computer & engineering nerds and discuss ideas and share my knowledge with them to change the world for better. I am very friendly and I love to talk to people, and I'm always looking to learn new things.
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Web Development

Artificial Intelligence


Embedded Systems Programming

Internet of Things

Cool Stuff with Arduino


Programming Languages

Self-learning : JavaScript, coz why not!
And yes, the rest of the languages from School.

vectorlogo.zone C++
vectorlogo.zone C
Assembly Language

Professional Skills

I'm not a professional.
Just a Nerd who Loves to play with Computers.

Frontend Development
Backend Development
IoT and Embedded Systems

Still Learning!

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